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Today we conclude our ongoing series on the Five Key Elements to managing a mobile cart rollout for an Epic implementation by covering what is perhaps the most important component, vetting the cart manufacturer. Entailing all the previous elements, this final step evaluates how each manufacturer stacks up and how well they will work with your organization, timeline and rollout needs.

Properly Vetting Manufacturers:  When evaluating mobile carts in an Epic implementation, healthcare IT decision makers find themselves in a similar situation as buying a new car. There are many manufacturers and models to choose from and everyone seems to be promising the same things: lightweight maneuverability, product durability, long-lasting power systems, refined ergonomic features and exceptional service – along with a lengthy list of promises.

Ultimately, a manufacturer’s brand is defined by what customers say about product performance and quality of service.  It is vital for a health organization to perform proper due diligence on the manufacturer selected. One means is to consult with industry colleagues about their experiences with various companies and products over the years.  In conjunction with a thorough evaluation of the tangible products, healthcare professionals should take a close look and get a good understanding of the organization behind the product.  They need to be able to say with confidence: “This is the kind of company and people I want to do business with.”

Pose these questions to the manufacturers you’re evaluating:

  1. How many years have you been in business?
  2. How many years have you been in the EMR device business?
  3. What areas of expertise do you manage in-house versus outsource?
  4. What is the organizational structure of your business?
  5. Who will my contacts be and who do they report to?
  6. How does your business handle fluctuations in capacity?
  7. Will you provide me with a list of references?

This five-part series provides the highlights of how to manage an effective mobile cart rollout during an Epic Software implementation. Tell us your specific requirements and get more information on JACO’s experience with EPIC implementation by contacting us at 800-649-2278 or online at jacoinc.com.

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